May 26th – Serverless Azure Data Handling – presented by Frank Geisler and Dr. Benjamin Kettner

Welcome to this month’s SECOND meeting!  As a member of Oregon Data Community you are also a member of the PNW Data Community!  All of the local data groups are working together, with each of us taking turns hosting the monthly meeting(s)!!!  Yes, meetings!  We will always have our “evening” meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 PM PST, and a second meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 12 PM PST!!

We are now using Teams!   Link will be published closer to the meeting

In order to encourage questions during the presentation, we want people to use the raise hands option in Teams and not talk over each other. Please be mindful of the other attendees!

We will be starting at 12:00 PM PST/3:00 PM EST/9:00 PM CEST

Schedule (may be fluid):
12:00 – 12:15 PM – Announcements and other information
12:15 PM – 1st Presentation

Title: Serverless Azure Data Handling


How can serverless services help you when building a data application in Azure? What serverless services exist and how do they align with the requirements of data applications? How can you use them and how do they interact?
In this all-demo-session (1 slide only) we will show you how to build a data processing pipeline using serverless services. you will learn some details that will help you to build a modern datawarehouse in Azure or any other application that handles volumes of data.


Benjamin Kettner

CTO ML!PA Consulting GmbH

Dr. Benjamin Kettner is co-founder and CTO of ML!PA Consulting GmbH. He received his PhD in applied mathematics from Freie Universität Berlin in 2012. At the time of his PhD, he was a member of the DFG Research Center Matheon – Mathematics for Key Technologies and a member of the Computational Nano Optics group at the Zuse Institute Berlin.

During his PhD and studies he was involved in software development and programming as well as databases and data models. After his PhD, he worked as a consultant at a Microsoft BI partner, where he was a technical project manager and also led the research and development department and worked as a software architect. In 2015, he founded ML!PA Consulting GmbH, a Microsoft partner focused on advanced analytics, Internet of Things and cloud solutions. There he serves as CTO and software architect, conceptualizing, developing and designing customer solutions. In 2017, ML!PA Consulting GmbH was one of only four Microsoft Partner of the Year finalists in the Internet of Things sector. Dr. Benjamin Kettner is active in the Microsoft Data Platform Community, leads the regional group Berlin of PASS Deutschland e.V. and frequently appears as author of blog posts and scientific articles and speaker at technical events.


Frank Geisler

GDS Business Intelligence GmbH

Microsoft MVP (verified)

Frank Geisler is owner and CEO of GDS Business Intelligence GmbH. He is Data Platform MVP, MCT, MCSE – Business Intelligence, MCSE – Data Plattform and MCSE – Azure Solutions Architect. In his Job he is building Business Intelligence Systems based on Microsoft Technology, mainly on SQL Server and SharePoint and he is also building Azure Infrastructures and Architectures with PowerShell.


Here’s Frank and Benjamin!

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