Sep 8, 2010: Source Control

Arnie Rowland
Bringing Source Control into SQL Development Environments
–Part 1, Concepts and Tools

Source Control is a requirement for team development where it is necessary to coordinate and maintain one or more consistent data environments. In the past, source control has not been easy with databases due to the nature of the interrelationships between the database code (DDL) and the current data state. Source control makes it easier to know what is in a database, better expose inappropriate inclusions, and improves coordination with testing environments. In this session, we will explore the concepts and processes of adopting a robust source control regimen into a SQL Server environment.

Arnie Rowland constantly brings a different way of thinking to solving data related problems. For almost two decades, using SQL Server, he has served as a Consultant, Trainer, and Mentor for companies and government agencies, large and small, national and international. Arnie is a SQL Server MVP, senior moderator for the MSDN SQL Server Forums, a member of the Technet Wiki Community Council, author, and frequent community contributor.

We wish to acknowledge Robert Half Technologies for supporting Oregon SQL by generously sponsoring the meeting venue.

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