Download the Data Types Presentation Slides here.
Vern Rabe
Ouch! Our Data Type Usage Did THAT?!
It’s an all too common occurrence to have table columns or variables that have been assigned less than ideal data types. Join this session and learn the importance of choosing the proper data type, the guidelines in determining what an appropriate data type would be, and, once chosen, some tools for its usage and management. There will be several demonstrations on performance and accuracy issues, along with their possible solutions, caused by either the assignment of inappropriate data types or improper usage of them.
In addition, we will cover several data type related functions, and the caveats in their usage.
Vern (LinkedIn | Twitter) is an independent SQL Server consultant and contract trainer in Portland, OR. He has attained MCSE, MCITP (both Administration and Development), and MCT certifications, among others. Vern has been working with databases since 1992, and has worked with SQL Server since version 4.21a. He provides broad technical SQL Server skills gained from the mixture of academic and practical experiences acquired from his classroom instructing and consulting contracts.
Arnie Rowland
Logging Procedure Errors
Often, logging errors that occur while executing stored procedures is a ‘hit and miss’ venture. Arnie will demonstrate a robust, and yet generic, error logging procedure that you can incorporate in your projects. Be prepared to offer your suggestions and ideals to the community to supplement the conversation.
Arnie [LinkedIn] is a Data Architect, Consultant and Trainer specializing in developer/development issues related to SQL Server. Clients include Fortune 100 enterprises, large scale NGOs, as well as domestic and foreign governments. In addition to facilitating the Oregon SQL –developers user group, he is a SQL Server MVP, a senior moderator for the Microsoft MSDN SQL Server Forums, member of the Microsoft TechNet Wiki Community Council, and co-founder of Portland Code Camp.
Don’t miss this meeting!
Refreshments graciously provided.
Featured Sponsor: Intertech
Visit our website for more details.
We wish to acknowledge the OSHU Information Technology Group for supporting Oregon SQL by generously providing the meeting venue.