Jun 8, 2011: Speaker Challenge

Come and enjoy 5 minute presentations that have some relationship to developing and working with SQL Server. This should be a fun and informative evening; it will be the first public speaking opportunities for several participants. Be there to show your support! The audience will cast their votes; the first place award is a $100 gift certificate at Portland’s Daily Grill restaurant and the Second place award is a $50 Barnes and Noble gift certificate.

Refreshments sponsored by Edgelink.

Featured Sponsor

    Idera provides tools for Microsoft SQL Server, SharePoint and PowerShell management and administration. Our products provide solutions for performance monitoring, backup and recovery, security and auditing and PowerShell scripting. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Idera is a Microsoft Gold Partner and has over 5,000 customers worldwide.

Last Meeting.

    The May meeting featured Tim Laverty showing us what can be down with Entity Framework 4.1. It was a excellent presentation to a full house.

We wish to acknowledge Robert Half Technologies for supporting Oregon SQL by generously sponsoring the meeting venue.

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