Paul Turley
End to end BI with SQL Server 2012

The Microsoft SQL Server BI platform is maturing at a rapid pace with many new innovations in SQL Server 2012. You have options to implement complete BI solutions now that range from simple to comprehensive and from the desktop to enterprise-scale. Jump on the bus and take a tour of the BI platform, understand these options and the pros and cons of each. Using the new generation of reporting and semantic modeling tools, we will build a complete solution in an evening.
Paul (Blog | LinkedIn | Twitter) is a Mentor with SolidQ and a Microsoft SQL Server MVP. He consults, writes, speaks, teaches & blogs about business intelligence and reporting solutions. He works with companies around the world to visualize and deliver critical information to make informed business decisions. He is the lead author of Professional SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services and 11 other titles from Wrox & Microsoft Press.
Ed Snajder
Powershell Smoke for SQL Server Mirrors
SQL Server mirrors are a great way to maintain highly available, fast-failover systems that run on independent disk sets. While it is easy enough to work through the GUI or T-SQL to manage your mirrors, if you have a lot of them, the processes can become tedious. Also, there is not a fast easy way to tear down and build up a mirror after something goes wrong.
I’ll show how I leveraged some of the SMO mirroring objects, so that I could not only build and tear down database mirrors efficiently, but to also monitor their health. These same objects can be used to build mirror-aware applications, or ones that could automate the provisioning of highly available databases for critical applications.
Ed (G+ | LinkedIn | Twitter) is a Database Administrator at Jive Software, has been working with database systems for over 10 years. In an environment running several different database engines, automation becomes the key to a DBA’s survivability, just as much as a zombie hunter needs ammunition. Working with both Powershell and Python, he is working towards platform-agnostic scripts, that can be utilized and understood by diverse skill sets. While not being a DBA, Ed’s interests are music, sports, technology, and lately a lot of 3D printing. He hopes to give as much back to the Portland technology community as he has gained, first through volunteerism, and now with more direct participation, in both the Portland SQL Server User Group and the Portland PostgreSQL User group.
Refreshments graciously provided by Apex Systems, Inc..
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs …
- The SQL Server related job market is still vibrant, and there are several open positions (Admins, Developers, BI -from entry to advanced skills) in the Oregon/SW Washington region. Check out the Oregon SQL Jobs page. Tell your friends and colleagues to regularly visit the Jobs page.
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We wish to acknowledge the OSHU Information Technology Group for supporting Oregon SQL by generously sponsoring the meeting venue.