Jan 9: Introduction to Database Testing and Deployment

Wednesday, January 9, 2012

Brian Ellison
Introduction to Database Testing

Have you ever been “elected” to test software, wanted an idea on how to approach unit tests or had a QA person ask you how to test? Some ideas on how to label your data and start creating simple to complex scripts that can be rerun and quickly give you an idea if things are right or not. Simply using different test techniques will produce different test results. A few of these techniques will be shown, as will different approaches to test case development.

Bio: Brian Ellison
Brian [LinkedIn] currently works at Seterus Inc, now owned by IBM, where he writes SQL to test the backend of their mortgage software. He has been using SQL scripting to test databases for over a year now and has worked in the Quality Assurance industry for over 10 years. He combines the skills of a SQL developer with a desire for quality software and a need to know how it all works to help create reliable software.

Round Table Discussion on Testing and Deployment
You Are Invited!
After Brian’s presentation, you are invited to participate in an open forum discussion about testing and deploying SQL Server databases. We wish to create the opportunity for information exchange from you to the community about what you have found to work, and what ‘gotchas’ you discovered along the way.

Discussion ideas may include:

  • DACPC deployments vs…
  • Scripted objects
  • How to persist & populate data
  • Drop and recreate dependent objects
  • Backup/restore
  • Detach/attach
  • How to Anticipate highest-value optimizations

Bring your experiences and join in the discussion.

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